Saturday, April 30, 2011

Alcohol and the liver

Alcohol and the Liver- the deal

·      10 to 20 % of population in the western world expected to abuse alcohol
·      Oldest known medicine/ chemical to man
·      Brain likes it and  Liver helps the brain receive it  after receiving from Gut

Risk factors  of  developing alcoholic liver disease depends on various risk factors

(a)  Qunatity:
 Alcohol content is estimated to be the beverage volume (in mL) multiplied by its percentage of alcohol.

For example, the alcohol content of 40 mL of an 80-proof (40% alcohol) beverage is 16 mL by volume.

Each mL contains about 0.79 g of alcohol.

Although values can vary, the percentage of alcohol averages 2 to 7% for most beers and 10 to 15% for most wines.

Thus, a 12-oz glass of beer contains about 3 to 10 g of alcohol, and an 8-oz glass of wine contains about 10 to 15 g.
Duration of consumption is very imp too

(b)Sex; Women are 2 times as prone to  alcoholic liver disease as men
©Type: it is generally accepted that beer and spirit  consumption , increases the risk more than others

(d)coexistent morbidity of liver including  all varieties of hepatitis
(e)Malnutrition; particularly low proteins and vitamins like A& E
(f) Genetic factors : Some individuals are more susceptible than others –possibly depends on enzymatic presence and family history of fatmetabolism disorders, hypertension, diabetes etc

(g) Iron overload- serum iron increase  increases the risk

Mechanism of damage:

Alcohol------by action of ADH(alcohol dehydrogenase)---acetaldehyde--------by action of ALDH(acetaldehyde dehydrogenase)-----acetic acid----by oxidation---------Co2and water

These oxidative reactions generate hydrogen, which converts nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide (NAD) to its reduced form (NADH), increasing the redox potential (NADH/NAD) in the liver.
fatty acid accumulation----liver cells –coupled with glycerol---Triglycerides–
----heaptocytes macrovesicular fat globules accumulation

Ultrasonography is usually adequate for demonstration of fatty liver changes

Liver functions remain normal  until atleast 75% of the liver is damaged

   Manifests as
   Fatty liver (in > 90%)-----reversible
   Alcoholic hepatitis (in 10 to 35%)—reversible
   Cirrhosis (in 10 to 20%)-usually irreversible

Fatty liver(steatosis )  has other common causes like obesity, diabetes and inherent fat metabolism errors, drugs, infections, idiopathic

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